We spent Memorial Day in Salem, Oregon on WileyJo Farms. We had the best time visiting Matt, Julia, Lillian, and Mirren.
Lauren was both fascinated and terrified of the animals. She particularly was particularly interested in the turkeys. She had so much fun playing with Lillian and Mirren.
Mirren took suck good care of Lauren. She taught Lauren to pick the ripe, red strawberries, not the green ones. She also helped her to go down the slide, led her around the farm, and helped her on the swings. They had so much fun together.
Lolo loved the tractors. She got to sit on the riding lawn mower, ride in the trailer, and watch the big tractor cut the hay. She told everyone they were “Lolo’s tractors”
Haying day! Lolo loved the tractor. She said “hi” and “bye tractor” every time it came around
Swinging like a big girl