Brett and I bought our first home. We have been looking on and off for a few years and finally found a place we love. The location is perfect and it has a great yard. We feel like we hit the jackpot on the neighborhood. The neighbors are so friendly and have brought over baked goods, offered help with moving, tools, manpower, babysitting, etc. We are excited to finally have more space as well. Lauren loves her new room and the new backyard. Bennett gets his own room, and no longer has to share with guests. Juli has already started a small garden and has plans for a bigger one next year. Brett has an amazing bike commute on the San Thomas Aquino Creek Trail. We have moved, but are still getting settled in. We are excited to make many new memories in our new home.
Our new address is: 2718 Taft Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95129
Congratulations on your new home!